Euler Hermes Confirmed Positive Financial Strength Rating of Public Corporation “UKRPLASTIC”

Euler Hermes Insurance company confirmed positive financial strength rating of PC «UKRPLASTIC».  «Positive» rating level was upheld to the company, according to the results of analysis of its activity in the first decade of 2014. This assessment provides Euler Hermes’ unconditional guarantee and meets S&P requirements, supported by the holders of bonds and the EHG insured.

The key factors, including independence of currency risks, financial stability of the company counterparties, credit load, financial transparency of business, were taken into account during rating assessment.

We would remind you that Euler Hermes insurance company operates in more than 50 countries and is the world leader in the field of insurance of export credit and investment guarantee from financial, political and commercial risks. The database of the company contains information about more than 40 million companies worldwide. Credit risk insurance contracts concluded provide coverage of supply of goods and services in 200 countries. 

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